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The Importance of Geriatric Care

By: Raiza Cruz

What’s so important?

It is very significant to know that geriatric care is something that should continue to be deemed as important. Without acknowledging this kind of healthcare, we wouldn’t know the correct treatments for those of an older age. Now why exactly is this something people should be aware about? It allows us to maintain an environment where seniors are able to feel safe and comfortable bringing them the care they need.

The Facts

Looking at today’s numbers, there will be a double in Americans over the age of 65, roughly 98 million by 2060, according to Ameritech. This is just one of the reasons why we should make sure to understand that caring for the elders in our own lives is very important. Especially for those in this kind of occupation, where the worker will work with the elderly often. One of the problems in this type of care is that there will be those with hearing loss, which causes frustration. Although there are various ways to help them understand you, some of those are talking with a clear voice, slightly louder than usual conversation, another would be getting rid of any background noise that could be interfering. Understanding the various common medical conditions an elder could have is good to keep in mind, research first rather than asking straight forward.

Common illnesses:

  • Heart conditions

  • Dementia

  • Depression

  • Delirium

  • Arthritis

What we can do

Overall just showing them respect and recognizing how much they’ve been through is going to aid us in knowing what comfort we can give to them. Make sure to be patient and know that aging cannot be prevented so assisting whenever you can, even if it is small things like holding the door open is helpful and makes all the difference!


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